CPD Program

AMCs, AFCs & CMCs with two or more years experience are required to earn 30 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points per year.

AMCs and AFCs with less than two years experience are required to earn 30 CPD points per year and participate in Mentoring.

Accumulation of points is on a self-assessed basis and a CPD Record Sheet is required to be retained by the loan writer.

The CPD Record Sheet must be forwarded to the MFAA with your annual membership renewal. CPD audits are undertaken by an authorised MFAA Education Consultant.

MFAA CPD Activity hours can be claimed by MFAA members in line with the current MFAA CPD Qualifying Activity Policy.

MFAA members currently self-assess their MFAA CPD hours accumulated and can update their CPD activities within the online membership portal.

Alternatively, a training provider can request confirmation of the MFAA CPD activity hour allocation for a particular event by submitting the following documentation for MFAA Professional Development evaluation:

  • The Course Material (including Assessment Module)
  • Training Agenda,
  • Learning Outcomes and
  • Presenter CV.

In this way the training participants who are also MFAA members can be certain of their MFAA CPD qualifying activity hour entitlement and the training provider may choose to offer this as a benefit of the training program.

The allocation of MFAA CPD qualifying activity hours is subject to the MFAA CPD Qualifying Activity Policy.

Email your material to education@mfaa.com.au for evaluation.

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